Fabulous Philippines > Manila > Nayong Pilipino, Manila
Nayong Pilipino
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Nayong Pilipino (or: Philippine Villlage) is a 45-acre theme park featuring a miniature version of the Philipppines and its culture.
The display is divided into a number of geographic displays -- Ilocos, Cordillera Central, Tagalog, Bicol, Visayas, and Mindanao. Each of these displays contains a typical house or building and a typical landscape of its region. For example, the Visayas display contains a replica of the historical landmark, Magellan's Cross, Cebu, and Bohol's famous Chocolate Hills.

1971 postage stamp showing Nayong Pilipino displays
In the grounds of Nayong Pilipino you can also visit the Philippine Museum of Ethnology, the Museum ng Buhay Filipina (antiques museum), the Museum of Philippine Dolls, an aquarium, an aviary of Philippine birds, and a garden of Philippine plants.
Nayong Pilipino is located in Pasay City, Manila, not far from the International Airport.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
(David Paul Wagner on Google+)